Ads and Apps: Understanding Earnings in the Mobile Gaming Industry

Ads and Apps: Understanding Earnings in the Mobile Gaming Industry

The mobile gaming industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, with ad revenue playing a crucial role in monetization strategies. In 2020, ad revenue accounted for 63% of total app revenue in arcade games and 60% in sports games. The success of ad monetization depends on factors such as game genre, target audience, and ad formats. It is essential to find the right mix of ad formats and continuously test and experiment to maximize revenue. Mobile game ad revenue is expected to grow in the coming years, making it an attractive opportunity for developers.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ad revenue is a crucial component of monetization strategies in the mobile gaming industry.
  • The success of ad monetization depends on factors such as game genre, target audience, and ad formats.
  • Finding the right mix of ad formats and continuously testing and experimenting is essential for maximizing revenue.
  • Mobile game ad revenue is expected to grow in the coming years, providing attractive opportunities for developers.
  • Understanding the earnings in the mobile gaming industry is vital for developers to optimize their monetization strategies.

What Is Mobile Game Ad Revenue?

Mobile game ad revenue refers to the income generated from ads displayed within mobile games, rather than from in-app purchases. It is a critical component of game monetization strategies, particularly for free or freemium games. Ad revenue can vary significantly, but mobile games can earn an average of $10 to $200 per day through ads. The rise of ad monetization in mobile games is evident from the increasing number of apps using ads and the growth of the digital advertising market focused on mobile.

How Does Ad Monetization Work?

Ad monetization in mobile games involves a collaborative process between developers, advertisers, and ad networks. As developers create and publish their mobile games, they have the opportunity to earn ad revenue by displaying advertisements within their games. On the other hand, advertisers pay ad networks to place ads in these mobile games, allowing them to reach their target audience.

The ad networks act as intermediaries, connecting developers with advertisers. They handle the complexities of ad serving, targeting, and revenue distribution. Ad networks typically receive a portion of the revenue generated from ads, while the remaining portion is shared with developers.

When implementing ad monetization strategies, it’s crucial to strike a balance between ad revenue and user experience. Developers must consider the impact ads may have on the gaming experience. Intrusive or disruptive ads can negatively affect user engagement and retention. To ensure a positive user experience, developers need to find the right mix of ad formats, engaging content, and strategic ad placements.

One effective approach to ad monetization is to provide users with relevant and valuable ad opportunities. By understanding the target audience and the types of ads that resonate with them, developers can optimize their ad placements to enhance the user experience and maximize ad revenue.

Ultimately, the success of ad monetization in mobile games depends on reaching a large audience of mobile gamers. Developers need to attract and retain a substantial user base to generate significant ad revenue. By focusing on user experience, relevant ad content, and optimizing ad placements, developers can create a win-win situation for both themselves and their users.

The Role of User Experience in Ad Monetization

“To ensure a positive user experience, developers need to find the right mix of ad formats, engaging content, and strategic ad placements.”

User experience is a critical factor in ad monetization, as it impacts how users perceive and engage with the ads displayed in mobile games. To strike the right balance, developers should consider the following:

  • Ad format selection: Different ad formats (such as interstitial ads, rewarded videos, and banners) have varying levels of intrusiveness. Choosing the most appropriate format for the game’s genre and style is crucial for maintaining a seamless gameplay experience.
  • Engaging content: Advertisements should provide value to users and align with their interests. Engaging and relevant ad content increases the chances of users interacting with the ads and, ultimately, generating higher ad revenue.
  • Strategic ad placements: Placing ads at natural breaks or transitions within the game, such as between levels or during loading screens, ensures that they do not disrupt the flow of gameplay. Thoughtful ad placement enhances user experience while still capturing users’ attention.

By prioritizing user experience throughout the ad monetization process, developers can create a positive environment that encourages user engagement and drives ad revenue. Incorporating user feedback and continuously testing and optimizing ad placements are key to improving the overall user experience and maximizing ad monetization potential.

Ad Format User Experience Potential Revenue
Interstitial Ads Can be disruptive if not timed well High potential revenue due to high visibility
Rewarded Videos Users willingly engage with ads for in-game rewards Medium to high potential revenue
Banner Ads Least intrusive but may have lower engagement Lower potential revenue compared to other formats

How Can I Measure Ad Revenue from Mobile Games?

Measuring ad revenue in mobile games involves analyzing several key metrics that provide valuable insights into the performance and profitability of ad monetization strategies. By understanding these metrics, developers can make informed decisions to optimize their ad revenue and maximize their earnings.

Ad ARPDAU (Average Revenue per Daily Active User)

Ad ARPDAU, or average revenue per daily active user, is an essential metric that shows the average amount of money generated from ads for each active user on a daily basis. It provides developers with a clear understanding of the revenue potential of their user base and helps gauge the effectiveness of ad monetization efforts. By tracking Ad ARPDAU, developers can identify trends, measure ad revenue growth, and compare the performance of different games or ad formats.

Ad Impressions

Another crucial metric for measuring ad revenue is ad impressions, which represents the number of ads displayed within a specific time period. This metric helps gauge the ad inventory’s utilization and provides insights into the frequency and volume of ads shown to users. By monitoring ad impressions, developers can identify potential opportunities to increase visibility and ad revenue by adjusting ad placement or implementing innovative ad formats.

eCPM (Effective Cost per Mile)

eCPM, or effective cost per mile, is a measure of how much revenue is earned for every 1,000 ads shown in the game. It is a widely used metric in the mobile advertising industry to evaluate the effectiveness of ad monetization strategies. By calculating eCPM, developers can compare the performance of different ad formats, identify opportunities to increase revenue, and make data-driven decisions. Higher eCPM values indicate more efficient monetization, while lower values may require adjustments to ad formats or placements to improve revenue.

By analyzing and monitoring these ad revenue metrics, developers can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their ad monetization strategies. These metrics form the foundation for making data-driven decisions to optimize ad revenue, improve user experience, and achieve greater profitability in the mobile gaming industry.

What is the Average eCPM Difference Between Ad Formats?

The effective cost per mile (eCPM) can vary significantly among different ad formats in the mobile gaming industry. Understanding these variations is crucial for developers and advertisers to optimize their ad revenue strategies. Let’s explore the average eCPM for the most popular ad formats:

1. Offerwalls

Offerwalls, a type of in-game ad format that provides users with a selection of offers, have the highest eCPMs in the industry. In some cases, offerwalls can reach eCPMs as high as $1500, making them a valuable opportunity for developers to generate substantial revenue.

2. Rewarded Video Ads

Rewarded video ads, which offer players in-game rewards in exchange for watching a video, also have high eCPMs. On average, these ads generate nearly $12, reinforcing their effectiveness in engaging and monetizing mobile gamers.

3. Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads, full-screen ads that appear at natural break points in a game, have eCPMs close behind rewarded videos. These ads have an average eCPM of approximately $9.53, making them another viable option for developers aiming to maximize ad revenue.

4. Banner Ads

Banner ads, small rectangular ads typically displayed at the top or bottom of the screen, have significantly lower eCPMs compared to other ad formats. On average, banner ads generate around $0.50 on Android devices and $0.21 on iOS in the US. While banner ads may not offer the highest eCPMs, their low intrusiveness and simple integration make them a popular choice for many developers.

These variations in eCPM values emphasize the differences in engagement levels and overall effectiveness between different ad formats. Consider your target audience, game genre, and user experience when selecting the most suitable ad format to maximize your ad revenue.

How Does The Genre Affect Your Ad Monetization Strategy?

The genre of a mobile game plays a crucial role in determining the most effective ad monetization strategy. Different game genres have varying suitability for different ad formats. Understanding the relationship between genre and ad format can help developers maximize their ad revenue. Let’s explore the ad formats that align with specific game genres:

Offerwalls for Serious Games

Serious games with a deep economy can benefit from using offerwalls as an ad format. Offerwalls provide users with a range of in-app offers, such as surveys, app installations, or subscriptions, in exchange for virtual currency or rewards. Due to their high eCPMs (effective cost per mile), offerwalls can generate substantial ad revenue in serious games.

Rewarded Videos for Almost All Genres

Rewarded videos are a versatile ad format suitable for almost all game genres except hyper-casual games. Players can opt to watch a video ad in exchange for in-app rewards such as extra lives, power-ups, or virtual currency. Rewarded videos provide a non-intrusive way to engage users and generate ad revenue.

Interstitial Ads for Casual Games

Casual games, known for short gameplay sessions, can effectively monetize through interstitial ads. These full-screen ads are typically displayed during natural break points in the game, such as level completion or game-over screens. With their visually engaging format, interstitial ads can capture players’ attention and drive ad revenue in casual games.

Banner Ads for Vertically-Oriented, Casual Games

Vertically-oriented, casual games can make the most of banner ads as an ad format. These ads are displayed as small banners along the top or bottom of the game screen. While banner ads have lower eCPMs compared to other formats, they can still generate ad revenue when placed strategically, ensuring they do not disrupt the gameplay experience.

Developers should carefully consider the genre and style of their game when choosing the appropriate ad format. Matching the right ad format to the game genre is key to optimizing ad revenue and maintaining a positive user experience.

How To Make The Most from Offer Walls, Rewarded Videos, Banner Ads, and Interstitial Ads?

Maximizing ad revenue requires understanding the best practices for different ad formats, such as offer walls, rewarded videos, banner ads, and interstitial ads. By implementing effective strategies, developers can optimize ad revenue and enhance user experience.

Offer Walls

To make the most of offer walls:

  • Ensure attractive rewards: Offer compelling incentives that motivate users to engage with the offer wall.
  • Minimize completion times: Make the process of completing offers quick and seamless to prevent user drop-off.
  • Tailor to the game’s genre: Customize the offer wall to align with the game’s theme and target audience for maximum relevance and engagement.

Rewarded Videos

For rewarded videos, follow these best practices:

  • Seamless integration: Integrate rewarded videos into the game experience in a natural and non-intrusive way.
  • Valuable rewards: Offer meaningful and enticing rewards that users find valuable.
  • Manage ad frequency: Balance the frequency of rewarded videos to provide value without overwhelming users with excessive ads.

Banner Ads

To optimize banner ads:

  • Strategic placement: Position banner ads in areas that are visible but do not disrupt the gameplay or user interface.
  • Relevance to the game: Ensure that banner ads are relevant to the game’s theme and target audience.
  • Visually appealing: Create visually appealing banner ads that grab users’ attention and encourage clicks.

Interstitial Ads

For interstitial ads, consider the following:

  • Careful timing: Display interstitial ads at natural breaks in gameplay, such as between levels or during loading screens.
  • Limited frequency: Avoid excessive interstitial ads to prevent user frustration and maintain an enjoyable gaming experience.
  • Rich media content: Use captivating visuals, videos, or animations to engage users and increase the effectiveness of the ads.

By implementing these best practices specific to each ad format, developers can optimize their ad revenue, improve user experience, and create a harmonious balance between monetization and enjoyable gameplay.


The mobile gaming industry is thriving, and mobile game ad revenue has emerged as a pivotal component of effective monetization strategies. By understanding the different ad formats, measuring ad revenue metrics, and tailoring ad monetization strategies to game genres, developers can optimize their ad revenue and enhance their overall profitability.

Striking a balance between ad revenue and user experience is crucial. Employing best practices for each ad format, such as seamless integration of rewarded videos, strategic placement of banner ads, and careful timing of interstitial ads, can help developers create engaging experiences for players while maximizing their ad revenue potential.

To further optimize ad revenue, continuous testing and experimentation are essential. Developers should analyze ad ARPDAU, ad impressions, and eCPM to evaluate the performance and profitability of their ad monetization strategies. By applying the right approach and actively refining their strategies, developers can turn mobile game ad revenue into a lucrative source of income in the dynamic mobile gaming industry.


What is mobile game ad revenue?

Mobile game ad revenue refers to the income generated from ads displayed within mobile games, rather than from in-app purchases. It is a critical component of game monetization strategies, particularly for free or freemium games.

How does ad monetization work?

Developers earn ad revenue by displaying advertisements in their mobile games, and advertisers pay networks to place ads in these games. Ad networks share the revenue with developers, allowing them to monetize their games through ads. It is essential to balance ad revenue with user experience to avoid disrupting the gaming experience.

How can I measure ad revenue from mobile games?

Several key metrics are used to measure ad revenue in mobile games. Ad ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active user) shows how much money is generated from ads on average for each daily active user. Ad impressions measure the number of ads displayed in a certain period, while eCPM (effective cost per mile) shows how much money is earned for every 1,000 ads shown in the game. These metrics help developers evaluate the performance and profitability of their ad monetization strategies and make informed decisions.

What is the average eCPM difference between ad formats?

The eCPM (effective cost per mile) for different ad formats can vary significantly. Offerwalls have the highest eCPM, reaching as much as 00 in some instances. Rewarded video ads also have high eCPMs, averaging nearly . Interstitial ads have eCPMs close behind rewarded videos, averaging close to .53. On the other hand, banner ads have significantly lower eCPMs, with an average of


What is mobile game ad revenue?

Mobile game ad revenue refers to the income generated from ads displayed within mobile games, rather than from in-app purchases. It is a critical component of game monetization strategies, particularly for free or freemium games.

How does ad monetization work?

Developers earn ad revenue by displaying advertisements in their mobile games, and advertisers pay networks to place ads in these games. Ad networks share the revenue with developers, allowing them to monetize their games through ads. It is essential to balance ad revenue with user experience to avoid disrupting the gaming experience.

How can I measure ad revenue from mobile games?

Several key metrics are used to measure ad revenue in mobile games. Ad ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active user) shows how much money is generated from ads on average for each daily active user. Ad impressions measure the number of ads displayed in a certain period, while eCPM (effective cost per mile) shows how much money is earned for every 1,000 ads shown in the game. These metrics help developers evaluate the performance and profitability of their ad monetization strategies and make informed decisions.

What is the average eCPM difference between ad formats?

The eCPM (effective cost per mile) for different ad formats can vary significantly. Offerwalls have the highest eCPM, reaching as much as $1500 in some instances. Rewarded video ads also have high eCPMs, averaging nearly $12. Interstitial ads have eCPMs close behind rewarded videos, averaging close to $9.53. On the other hand, banner ads have significantly lower eCPMs, with an average of $0.50 on Android devices and $0.21 on iOS in the US. These variations in eCPM values reflect the different engagement levels and effectiveness of each ad format.

How does the genre affect your ad monetization strategy?

The ad monetization strategy for a mobile game should be tailored to the genre of the game. Different ad formats are more suitable for certain genres. For example, offerwalls have high eCPMs but are most effective in serious games with a deep economy. Rewarded videos are suitable for almost all genres, except for hyper-casual games. Interstitial ads are usually best for casual games, while banners are effective in vertically-oriented, casual games. Developers should consider the genre and style of their game when choosing the appropriate ad format to maximize ad revenue.

How can I make the most from offer walls, rewarded videos, banner ads, and interstitial ads?

To maximize ad revenue from offer walls, developers should ensure attractive rewards, minimize completion times, and tailor the offerwall to the game’s genre. For rewarded videos, integrating them seamlessly into the game experience, offering valuable rewards, and managing ad frequency are key to success. Banner ads should be strategic in placement, relevant to the game, and visually appealing. Interstitial ads should be carefully timed, limited in frequency, and feature rich media content to engage users. By following best practices specific to each ad format, developers can optimize their ad revenue and enhance user experience.

.50 on Android devices and


What is mobile game ad revenue?

Mobile game ad revenue refers to the income generated from ads displayed within mobile games, rather than from in-app purchases. It is a critical component of game monetization strategies, particularly for free or freemium games.

How does ad monetization work?

Developers earn ad revenue by displaying advertisements in their mobile games, and advertisers pay networks to place ads in these games. Ad networks share the revenue with developers, allowing them to monetize their games through ads. It is essential to balance ad revenue with user experience to avoid disrupting the gaming experience.

How can I measure ad revenue from mobile games?

Several key metrics are used to measure ad revenue in mobile games. Ad ARPDAU (average revenue per daily active user) shows how much money is generated from ads on average for each daily active user. Ad impressions measure the number of ads displayed in a certain period, while eCPM (effective cost per mile) shows how much money is earned for every 1,000 ads shown in the game. These metrics help developers evaluate the performance and profitability of their ad monetization strategies and make informed decisions.

What is the average eCPM difference between ad formats?

The eCPM (effective cost per mile) for different ad formats can vary significantly. Offerwalls have the highest eCPM, reaching as much as $1500 in some instances. Rewarded video ads also have high eCPMs, averaging nearly $12. Interstitial ads have eCPMs close behind rewarded videos, averaging close to $9.53. On the other hand, banner ads have significantly lower eCPMs, with an average of $0.50 on Android devices and $0.21 on iOS in the US. These variations in eCPM values reflect the different engagement levels and effectiveness of each ad format.

How does the genre affect your ad monetization strategy?

The ad monetization strategy for a mobile game should be tailored to the genre of the game. Different ad formats are more suitable for certain genres. For example, offerwalls have high eCPMs but are most effective in serious games with a deep economy. Rewarded videos are suitable for almost all genres, except for hyper-casual games. Interstitial ads are usually best for casual games, while banners are effective in vertically-oriented, casual games. Developers should consider the genre and style of their game when choosing the appropriate ad format to maximize ad revenue.

How can I make the most from offer walls, rewarded videos, banner ads, and interstitial ads?

To maximize ad revenue from offer walls, developers should ensure attractive rewards, minimize completion times, and tailor the offerwall to the game’s genre. For rewarded videos, integrating them seamlessly into the game experience, offering valuable rewards, and managing ad frequency are key to success. Banner ads should be strategic in placement, relevant to the game, and visually appealing. Interstitial ads should be carefully timed, limited in frequency, and feature rich media content to engage users. By following best practices specific to each ad format, developers can optimize their ad revenue and enhance user experience.

.21 on iOS in the US. These variations in eCPM values reflect the different engagement levels and effectiveness of each ad format.

How does the genre affect your ad monetization strategy?

The ad monetization strategy for a mobile game should be tailored to the genre of the game. Different ad formats are more suitable for certain genres. For example, offerwalls have high eCPMs but are most effective in serious games with a deep economy. Rewarded videos are suitable for almost all genres, except for hyper-casual games. Interstitial ads are usually best for casual games, while banners are effective in vertically-oriented, casual games. Developers should consider the genre and style of their game when choosing the appropriate ad format to maximize ad revenue.

How can I make the most from offer walls, rewarded videos, banner ads, and interstitial ads?

To maximize ad revenue from offer walls, developers should ensure attractive rewards, minimize completion times, and tailor the offerwall to the game’s genre. For rewarded videos, integrating them seamlessly into the game experience, offering valuable rewards, and managing ad frequency are key to success. Banner ads should be strategic in placement, relevant to the game, and visually appealing. Interstitial ads should be carefully timed, limited in frequency, and feature rich media content to engage users. By following best practices specific to each ad format, developers can optimize their ad revenue and enhance user experience.


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