Mobile Game Monetization: How Much Do Games Make per Ad Click

Mobile Game Monetization: How Much Do Games Make per Ad Click

Monetizing mobile games has become a major source of revenue in the gaming industry. In-game advertising plays a crucial role in generating income for mobile games, allowing developers to make money while offering their games for free. But how much do games really make per ad click?

When it comes to mobile game advertising, there are various ad formats that can be utilized. These include interstitial ads, rewarded video ads, banner ads, and playable ads. Each format has its own potential for generating revenue.

The amount of money games make per ad click is determined by key metrics such as eCPM, eCPC, and eCPA. These metrics measure the effectiveness and profitability of ad campaigns. Other factors, such as ad frequency, user engagement rates, geographic location of players, and seasonality and special events, also influence ad revenue in mobile games.

Examples of successful mobile games that have effectively monetized through ads include Subway Surfers, Wordscapes, and Coin Master. These games have found a balance between in-app purchases and ad displays, ensuring a positive user experience while maximizing their earnings.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mobile game monetization through ad revenue is a significant aspect of the gaming industry.
  • Ad formats such as interstitial ads, rewarded video ads, banner ads, and playable ads offer different opportunities for revenue generation.
  • Metrics like eCPM, eCPC, and eCPA help in measuring the effectiveness and profitability of ad campaigns.
  • Factors such as ad frequency, user engagement rates, geographic location, and seasonality can influence ad revenue in mobile games.
  • Successful game monetization strategies involve optimizing ad placement and timing, utilizing ad mediation platforms, and balancing in-app purchases with ad displays.

The Landscape of Mobile Game Advertising

Mobile game advertising offers a diverse range of ad formats to appeal to different audiences. These ad formats play a crucial role in generating revenue for mobile games and provide developers with opportunities to monetize their creations.

One of the most commonly used ad formats in mobile games is interstitial ads. These ads appear at natural breaks in gameplay, such as between levels or after completing a task. Interstitial ads have the potential to capture players’ attention effectively and can yield around $1 to $5 per thousand impressions (eCPM).

Rewarded video ads are another popular ad format in mobile games. These ads offer in-game rewards, such as extra lives or virtual currency, in exchange for players watching short video advertisements. Rewarded video ads tend to have higher engagement rates compared to other formats because players willingly choose to watch them. As a result, they can generate eCPMs between $10 and $50, making them a lucrative option for game developers.

In contrast, banner ads occupy a small area of the screen and are less intrusive. They are often displayed at the top or bottom of the game interface and can have lower eCPMs ranging from $0.10 to $1 per thousand impressions. While banner ads might have lower revenue potential, their unobtrusive nature makes them less likely to disrupt the gameplay experience.

Interstitial Ads vs. Rewarded Video Ads vs. Banner Ads: A Comparison

Ad Format eCPM Range
Interstitial Ads $1 – $5 per thousand impressions
Rewarded Video Ads $10 – $50 per thousand impressions
Banner Ads $0.10 – $1 per thousand impressions

The most interactive and immersive ad format is playable ads. Playable ads offer players a mini-version of the advertised game, allowing them to experience the gameplay mechanics firsthand. These ads have high engagement rates and can generate eCPMs ranging from $20 to $100 or more.

Ultimately, the choice of ad format depends on the game’s target audience, the developers’ monetization goals, and the gameplay experience they aim to provide to players. By leveraging the strengths of different ad formats, developers can optimize their ad revenue and create a sustainable business model.

Key Metrics in Mobile Game Ad Revenue

In order to maximize ad revenue in mobile games, it’s crucial to understand and monitor key metrics that govern ad performance. Three of the most important metrics in this regard are eCPM, eCPC, and eCPA.

eCPM: Effective Cost Per Mille/Thousand Impressions

eCPM measures the earnings generated per thousand ad impressions in a mobile game. It helps game developers and advertisers understand the value of each impression and evaluate the overall performance of their ad campaigns. A higher eCPM indicates more revenue generated from a given number of ad impressions. Developers can optimize their ad strategies to increase eCPM by experimenting with ad formats, placements, and targeting methods.

eCPC: Effective Cost Per Click

eCPC refers to the cost incurred by advertisers for each click on an ad in a mobile game. This metric allows developers to evaluate the effectiveness of their ad campaigns in driving user engagement. A low eCPC implies efficient ad performance, as advertisers pay less for each user click. By optimizing the ad creative, targeting relevant audiences, and refining the call-to-action, developers can reduce eCPC and increase ad revenue.

eCPA: Effective Cost Per Action

eCPA measures the cost incurred by advertisers for a specific user action triggered by an ad in a mobile game. User actions can include downloads, registrations, in-app purchases, or any other desired behavior. By tracking eCPA, developers can gauge the effectiveness of their ad campaigns in achieving desired conversions. A lower eCPA indicates a more cost-effective campaign, allowing developers to optimize their user acquisition strategies and maximize their return on investment.

We always keep a close eye on eCPM, eCPC, and eCPA metrics to ensure our ad campaigns are performing at their best. By understanding these key metrics, we can optimize our ad strategies and maximize our ad revenue.

Incorporating these metrics into the decision-making process empowers developers to refine their ad strategies and boost mobile game ad revenue. By experimenting with ad formats, placements, targeting methods, and optimizing eCPM, eCPC, and eCPA, developers can maximize their ad revenue potential.

Factors Influencing Ad Revenue in Mobile Games

When it comes to ad revenue in mobile games, several factors come into play. Ad frequency, user engagement rates, geographic location of players, and seasonality and special events all have an impact on the revenue generated through advertisements. Let’s explore each of these factors in detail.

Ad Frequency

Ad frequency refers to how often ads are displayed to players. While ads are a crucial source of revenue, it is essential to strike the right balance to avoid ad fatigue or limiting revenue. Bombarding players with too many ads can lead to a poor user experience and potentially drive them away from the game. On the other hand, displaying ads too infrequently may result in missed revenue opportunities. Developers must find the optimal ad frequency that provides a positive user experience while maximizing ad revenue.

User Engagement Rates

User engagement rates play a significant role in ad revenue generation. Games with high user engagement rates tend to have more ad views, leading to increased revenue. Engaged players are more likely to interact with advertisements, increasing the chances of ad clicks or conversions. Developers should focus on creating compelling gameplay experiences that captivate and retain players, ultimately driving higher user engagement rates and boosting ad revenue.

Geographic Location of Players

The geographic location of players can have a significant impact on ad revenue. Advertisers may be willing to pay more for users in certain countries or regions. Factors such as the local market size, purchasing power, and competition can influence the value advertisers place on reaching players from different locations. Developers should take this into account when strategizing their ad revenue optimization efforts and consider tailoring their ad campaigns to specific regions for maximum profitability.

Seasonality and Special Events

Seasonality and special events can greatly influence ad revenue in mobile games. For example, the holiday season may see a surge in ad spending as advertisers target a larger audience during this festive period. Similarly, special events such as in-game tournaments, collaborations, or updates can attract more players and drive higher ad engagement. Understanding and capitalizing on seasonal trends and special events can help developers maximize their ad revenue during these periods.

In summary, ad revenue in mobile games is influenced by ad frequency, user engagement rates, geographic location of players, and seasonality and special events. Developers need to find the right balance in ad frequency, prioritize user engagement, consider the geographic distribution of their player base, and capitalize on seasonal trends for optimal revenue generation.

How Much Money Do Mobile Games Make Per Ad?

The amount of money mobile games make per ad can vary depending on factors such as the ad format, user engagement, and geographic location. On average, mobile game apps can generate earnings ranging between $10 and $200 per day through advertisements. However, it’s important to note that the journey to attaining revenue through ads requires effective strategies and considerations for user experience.

When it comes to earning revenue from ads, the ad format employed by mobile games plays a crucial role. Different ad formats have varying potential for generating ad revenue. Additionally, user engagement, such as the number of active players and their level of interaction with the ads, can significantly impact the amount of money earned per ad.

“The amount of money a mobile game makes per ad is greatly influenced by the user engagement and interaction with the ads. Developers who create engaging experiences and seamlessly integrate ads are more likely to achieve higher ad revenue.”

Moreover, the geographic location of the players can also affect ad revenue. Advertisers often target specific regions, and the demand for ad placements can vary, resulting in different ad pricing and revenue potential based on the location of the players.

It’s worth mentioning that ad revenue is not solely dependent on the number of ads displayed. On the contrary, ensuring a positive user experience while balancing the desire for revenue is crucial. Maintaining a delicate balance between ads and gameplay, as well as considering factors such as ad frequency and placement, can contribute to maximizing ad revenue without compromising the overall user experience.

The Significance of Effective Ad Strategies

Developers need to implement effective ad strategies to optimize their ad revenue potential. This involves identifying the most suitable ad formats for their game and target audience, as well as leveraging ad mediation and optimization platforms to maximize yield.

By carefully designing the integration of ads within the gameplay experience, developers can strike a balance between ad monetization and user satisfaction. For example, opting for non-intrusive ad formats that do not disrupt the gameplay flow can enhance user engagement and, subsequently, ad revenue.

Another strategy to optimize ad revenue is to offer users the option to make in-app purchases to remove ads or unlock additional features. This approach allows developers to strike a balance between ad revenue and in-app purchases, catering to both ad-supported players and those who prefer an ad-free experience.

In conclusion, mobile game ads revenue can vary depending on several factors, including ad format, user engagement, and geographic location. By implementing effective ad strategies and considering user experience, developers can maximize their earnings and create sustainable revenue streams that support the continued development and success of their mobile games.


Mobile game monetization through ad revenue is a crucial factor in the success of the gaming industry. By understanding the various ad formats, key metrics, and factors that influence ad revenue, developers can optimize their game monetization strategies and maximize their earnings. It is essential for developers to carefully implement ad placement and timing, utilize ad mediation platforms, and strike a balance between in-app purchases and ad displays to ensure a positive user experience.

As the mobile gaming industry continues to grow exponentially, there is tremendous potential for game developers to generate substantial revenue through mobile game advertising. By staying updated with the latest trends and innovations in mobile game monetization, developers can unlock new opportunities for optimizing ad revenue and further enhancing their game monetization strategies.

With the right approach and a focus on delivering value to both players and advertisers, mobile game advertising can become a lucrative avenue for game developers. By adopting effective monetization strategies, developers can not only sustain their game development efforts but also fuel future growth and success in the highly competitive mobile gaming market.


How do mobile games make money?

Mobile games make money through various revenue streams, including in-app purchases and advertising. In this FAQ, we will focus on ad revenue and how games monetize through ads.

What are the different ad formats used in mobile games?

The different ad formats used in mobile games include interstitial ads, rewarded video ads, banner ads, and playable ads. These formats offer different ways for advertisers to reach players and generate revenue.

What are eCPM, eCPC, and eCPA, and why are they important?

eCPM (Effective Cost Per Mille/Thousand Impressions), eCPC (Effective Cost Per Click), and eCPA (Effective Cost Per Action) are key metrics in mobile game ad revenue. They measure the earnings per thousand ad impressions, the cost of a click on an ad, and the cost of a specific user action, respectively.

What factors can influence ad revenue in mobile games?

Factors such as ad frequency, user engagement rates, geographic location of players, and seasonality and special events can influence ad revenue in mobile games.

How much money can mobile games make per ad click?

The amount of money mobile games make per ad click can vary depending on factors such as the ad format, user engagement, and geographic location. On average, mobile game apps can generate earnings ranging between and 0 per day through advertisements.

How can developers optimize ad revenue in mobile games?

Developers can optimize ad revenue by focusing on ad placement and timing, utilizing ad mediation and optimization platforms, and balancing in-app purchases with ad displays. These strategies help maximize earnings while ensuring a positive user experience.


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