Mobile Games for Wildlife Conservation: Play and Protect

Mobile Games for Wildlife Conservation: Play and Protect

Mobile games have revolutionized the way we engage with the world around us, and now they are making a significant impact on wildlife conservation efforts. These innovative games offer a unique and interactive platform for individuals to learn about and contribute to the protection of endangered species and their habitats. By merging fun and mission-driven gameplay, mobile games are transforming the narrative from “doom and gloom” to positive and motivating experiences.

Whether you’re exploring and observing nature, mixing animal sounds as a wildlife DJ, counting elephants through camera trap images, or participating in citizen science projects to classify animals and their behaviors, mobile games provide an immersive and engaging way to connect with wildlife and promote conservation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mobile games have become powerful tools for raising awareness about wildlife conservation.
  • These games offer a unique and engaging platform to learn about endangered species and their habitats.
  • Players can actively contribute to conservation efforts through various game mechanics and activities.
  • Mobile games merge fun with mission-driven efforts to safeguard our natural world.
  • By playing these games, individuals can make a positive impact on wildlife conservation.

iNaturalist App: Connecting People with Nature through Citizen Science

The iNaturalist app is a revolutionary citizen science project developed by The California Academy of Sciences. This innovative app aims to ignite a passion for nature and wildlife by encouraging users to actively observe and document the natural world around them. By harnessing the power of technology and collaboration, iNaturalist has created a global community of nature enthusiasts, contributing to a powerful dataset of biodiversity observations.

With the iNaturalist app, users can embark on their own personal journeys of discovery, exploring diverse ecosystems and cataloging their findings. From the common house sparrow to the elusive atlas moth, every observation adds to the growing repository of species data. By engaging in citizen science, users become active participants in the conservation of our planet’s rich biodiversity.

Through the iNaturalist app, ordinary individuals become citizen scientists, contributing valuable information that aids researchers, conservationists, and policymakers. The vast number of observations and the collective effort of the community showcase the strength of technology and collaboration in advancing wildlife conservation.

Observing nature has never been easier or more accessible. Whether you’re an experienced naturalist or a curious beginner, the iNaturalist app provides a platform for everyone to connect with the natural world and contribute to its preservation.

Features of the iNaturalist App:

  • Effortlessly document and upload observations of various species
  • Contribute to a global dataset of biodiversity observations
  • Access a vast community of nature enthusiasts and experts
  • Receive species identifications from the iNaturalist community
  • Explore interactive maps showcasing species distributions
  • Participate in ongoing research projects and collaborate with scientists

Join the iNaturalist community today and become an integral part of the citizen science movement, where your observations contribute to a deeper understanding and conservation of our natural world.

Beastbox – Wildlife DJ: Mixing Animal Calls for Creative Learning

Beastbox is an exciting and educational game that allows players to unleash their inner wildlife DJ. Developed by Ben Mirin in collaboration with Cornell Lab of Ornithology, this creative learning game offers a unique and interactive experience that combines music and nature.

Beastbox - Wildlife DJ

In Beastbox, players have the opportunity to mix the calls of different animals, creating their own unique beats and remixes. By experimenting with animal sounds, players not only enjoy a fun and engaging gameplay experience but also learn about different species and their habitats.

The game features a wide range of animal sounds, from the deep roars of lions to the chirping melodies of birds. By blending these sounds together, players can create catchy tunes while deepening their knowledge of animal communication.

Through the immersive gameplay of Beastbox, players gain a deeper appreciation for wildlife and the importance of conservation. By experiencing the diverse sounds of nature, players develop a stronger connection to the natural world and a desire to protect it.

Key Features of Beastbox – Wildlife DJ:

  • Dynamic gameplay that allows players to mix and remix animal sounds
  • Wide selection of animal calls to explore and experiment with
  • Educational content that teaches players about different species and their habitats
  • Engaging and immersive gameplay experience that fosters creativity
  • Promotes a deeper appreciation for wildlife and conservation

Beastbox is more than just a game – it’s a creative learning experience that brings the wonders of the natural world right to your fingertips. Whether you’re an aspiring DJ or a wildlife enthusiast, Beastbox offers a unique and entertaining way to learn about animals and their sounds.

So, grab your headphones and get ready to mix and remix animal calls in Beastbox – the ultimate wildlife DJ experience!

Pros Cons
Combines creativity and learning May require an internet connection for gameplay
Expands knowledge of animal sounds and habitats Available on limited platforms
Developed in collaboration with Cornell Lab of Ornithology May not appeal to players who prefer action-oriented games
Encourages a deeper appreciation for wildlife

Ellie-Expedition: Virtual Safari for Elephant Lovers

Embark on a thrilling virtual safari adventure with Ellie-Expedition! This innovative mobile game takes elephant lovers on a journey deep into the African rainforest, where they can observe and count the majestic African forest elephants in their natural habitat.

Using camera trap images, players are transported to the heart of the Central African rainforest, where they can sift through thousands of captivating photos. With each image, players contribute to the vital task of classifying elephants and other wildlife, aiding in valuable research and conservation efforts.

The Ellie-Expedition community is a global force for change, with thousands of users worldwide passionately engaged in identifying and counting animals through this virtual safari experience. Together, we have classified millions of images and identified hundreds of thousands of animals, making a significant impact on conservation efforts.

Join the Ellie-Expedition community and unleash your passion for elephant conservation. Immerse yourself in the stunning beauty of the African rainforest, unlock the secrets hidden within camera trap images, and contribute to the protection of this endangered species.

Key Features of Ellie-Expedition Benefits for Elephant Conservation
  • Virtual safari experience
  • Thousands of camera trap images to explore
  • Immersive gameplay
  • Wildlife observation and classification
  • Contributes to valuable research
  • Helps protect African forest elephants
  • Aids in conservation efforts
  • Raises awareness about elephant conservation

Player Testimonial

“Ellie-Expedition has been an absolute game-changer for me. As an elephant enthusiast, being able to virtually experience the African rainforest and contribute to conservation efforts is a dream come true. This game has deepened my connection with elephants and motivated me to take action for their protection.”

— Rebecca Thompson, Ellie-Expedition Player

Through Ellie-Expedition, you can make a real difference in the preservation of African forest elephants. Dive into this virtual safari experience and embark on a journey that combines your passion for elephants with the power of technology and conservation.

eMammal Lite: Candid Cameras for Watching and Observing Wildlife

In the world of wildlife observation, eMammal Lite stands out as a captivating citizen science project. By using camera trap images, this fun and interactive game allows users to immerse themselves in the natural habitats of various animals. Through the lens of candid cameras, users have the opportunity to watch and observe wildlife in their true element.

With eMammal Lite, users can go beyond just observing animals. They can actively participate in the classification and tagging of animals captured in these camera trap images. By tagging and classifying the animals, users contribute valuable data that can help researchers gain insights into animal behaviors and geographic distributions.

This game offers a daily dose of nature and wildlife, providing an unparalleled opportunity to connect with animals in their natural environments. Whether it’s a majestic tiger prowling through the dense jungle or a playful family of monkeys swinging from tree to tree, eMammal Lite brings the wonders of the animal kingdom right to your fingertips.

Through eMammal Lite, users become active participants in wildlife conservation. By observing and interacting with animals through this game, users develop a deeper appreciation for the natural world and are empowered to contribute to its preservation. Every tag and classification made in eMammal Lite brings us closer to a better understanding of wildlife and their habitats.

Virry VR: Immersive African Wildlife Experience through Virtual Reality

Virry VR is a creative learning app that offers an immersive virtual reality experience of African wildlife. This innovative app allows users to engage with real African animals in their natural habitat, providing a unique opportunity to connect with and learn about these incredible creatures. Filmed in 4K VR at the renowned Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya, Virry VR provides a visually stunning and realistic encounter with African wildlife.

“Virry VR takes you on a journey to Africa, allowing you to experience the beauty and majesty of its wildlife like never before. Through the power of virtual reality, users can step into the shoes of a wildlife conservationist and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by these amazing animals.”

With Virry VR, users can share an interactive mud bath with a rhino, virtually feel the touch of a lion’s tongue, and even feed a cheetah. Each interaction is accompanied by educational insights, providing valuable information about the animals’ behavior, habitat, and conservation status. Through this immersive VR experience, Virry VR aims to promote a sense of empathy and understanding towards African wildlife, fostering a greater appreciation for the importance of conservation.

Enhancing Creative Learning

Virry VR goes beyond traditional wildlife documentaries by creating a truly interactive and educational experience. By using virtual reality technology, the app allows users to feel like they are right there in the African savannah, observing wild animals in their natural environment. This immersive approach stimulates curiosity and encourages active learning, making Virry VR an ideal tool for children and adults alike to explore and discover the wonders of African wildlife.

Furthermore, Virry VR’s integration of educational content ensures that users gain valuable knowledge about the featured animals and their conservation needs. Through engaging storytelling and visual experiences, users can develop a deeper understanding of the delicate balance between human interaction and wildlife preservation.

Key Features of Virry VR: Benefits:
Interactive encounters with African animals – Creates a sense of connection and empathy
Realistic and immersive virtual reality experience – Engages users in a visually captivating way
Educational insights and information – Promotes knowledge and awareness of wildlife conservation
Creative learning opportunities for all ages – Inspires curiosity and fosters a love for nature

Unlock the Wonders of African Wildlife

Virry VR’s immersive African wildlife experience allows users to explore the natural beauty of Africa’s diverse ecosystems from the comfort of their own homes. By transporting users to the heart of the African wilderness, Virry VR not only entertains but also inspires a sense of responsibility towards the preservation of these incredible creatures and their habitats.

Take Action for Conservation

Via Virry VR, users are encouraged to take action and contribute to the conservation of African wildlife. The app provides information on tangible ways to get involved, such as supporting local conservation organizations, participating in community initiatives, or making a donation towards wildlife preservation efforts.

With Virry VR, everyone can play a part in protecting African wildlife and ensuring a sustainable future for these magnificent animals.


Mobile games have proven to be effective tools for wildlife conservation, merging fun and mission-driven efforts. Through these games, players can actively contribute to the protection of endangered species and their habitats. By observing nature, mixing animal sounds, counting elephants, classifying animals, and experiencing virtual reality, players gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for wildlife and the importance of conservation.

These mobile games provide a unique and engaging platform for individuals to play and protect, making a positive impact on our natural world.


How can mobile games contribute to wildlife conservation?

Mobile games provide a unique and engaging way for people to learn about and contribute to the protection of endangered species and their habitats. Through these games, players can actively participate in citizen science projects, observe and classify animals, and gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for wildlife.

What is the iNaturalist app?

The iNaturalist app is a citizen science project created by The California Academy of Sciences. It encourages users to observe the natural world around them and document their observations of various species. Users can contribute to a powerful dataset of biodiversity observations, fostering curiosity and a deeper connection to nature.

How does Beastbox promote wildlife education?

Beastbox is a creative learning game developed by Ben Mirin in collaboration with Cornell Lab of Ornithology. It allows players to become wildlife DJs, mixing the calls of different animals to create unique and catchy beats. By experiencing the sounds of nature, players gain a deeper appreciation for wildlife and the importance of conservation.

What is Ellie-Expedition?

Ellie-Expedition offers a virtual safari experience, enabling users to observe and count African forest elephants in the wild through camera trap images. Players can sift through thousands of images and help classify elephants and other wildlife from the Central African rainforest. Ellie-Expedition provides a unique opportunity for elephant lovers to connect with these magnificent creatures and contribute to their protection.

How does eMammal Lite work?

eMammal Lite is a fun citizen science project that allows users to watch and observe animals in their natural habitats through camera trap images. Users can tag and classify animals captured in these images, gaining insights into their behaviors and geographic distribution. This game provides a unique and entertaining way to connect with animals and contribute to their conservation.

What does Virry VR offer?

Virry VR is a creative learning app that provides an immersive virtual reality experience of African wildlife. Filmed in 4K VR at the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya, the app allows users to engage with real African animals in their natural habitat. Users can interact with animals, such as rhinos, lions, and cheetahs, while learning about their behaviors and promoting conservation and awareness.


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